intuitive & practical3D without CAD knowledge

affordable & universalmany 3D/2D - Interfaces

Rhino Viewer
open 3DM files

Rhino viewer for IAM and IPT

Additional Native Rhino File Formats

3DM is the only native Rhino file format. Rhino now supports a wide range of file formats as standard, including STEP, IGES, SolidWorks, X_T, OBJ, WRL.

Additional CAD formats, such as CATIA, Siemens NX, Creo and Inventor, are available via plug-ins for a fee.

How Do I Convert Rhino 3DM Models?

If you do not have CAD software with a 3DM interface, the design must be exported from Rhino to a common 3D exchange format, such as STEP or IGES.

Converting Rhino 3DM to STEP is also possible with a 3D converter or CAD converter.

3D-Tool Premium includes the 3D-NativeCAD Converter. In addition to native Rhino models, this converts models from many common CAD systems into the 3D exchange formats STEP, IGES, SAT and Parasolid X_T supported by many CAD/CAM programs.

Test the Rhino Viewer and Rhino Converter

3D-Tool is a CAD viewer with many native CAD interfaces, including Inventor, and professional measuring functions, demolding analysis and wall thickness analysis.

  • Open and publish 3DM for the 3D-Tool Free Viewer or as 3D-PDF
  • Open 3DM and save as STL, 3DS, PLY, WRL, OBJ, or PLY
  • 3DM (Nurbs) convert to STEP, IGES, VDA, SAT and X_T

Free and non-binding 14-day trial with all functions, the Rhino interfaces and the 3D-Native CAD-Converter. The trial key activates all 3D interfaces, such as CATIA, Siemens NX, SolidWorks, Creo, STEP, SAT.

More information on the 3D-Tool CAD-Viewer and Converter

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